Treasure Boxes - Photography Craft

Treasure Boxes - Photography Craft

Sometimes it can be very satisfying to make something out of virtually nothing. Here, wooden cigar boxes, painted and then decorated with photographs, make little treasure chests.

Tobacconists will generally be pleased to give away empty boxes. Just remove the paper labels by sponging with water and peeling off - or leave them in place if you prefer. Paint the box, inside and out. Cut prints to size and stick them on with strong spray adhesive or an all-purpose adhesive recommended for sticking paper to wood. When the glue is dry, give the whole box a coat of gloss varnish to finish and protect it. If you prefer to use photocopies, stick them in place with diluted PVA glue, brush over the top with more glue and, when dry, finish with a coat of matt varnish.
Treasure Boxes - Photography Craft Reviewed by Unknown on 3/02/2020 Rating: 5

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