Letter Rack - Photography Craft

Letter Rack - Photography Craft

with their portraits on permanent display, a personalized letter rack is a constant reminder to write to loved ones. 

Decoupage - the craft of decorating with paper cutouts - is best done with images printed on fairly thin paper. It is therefore advisable to get color photocopies of your chosen pictures which can then easily be cut out with small, pointed scissors, stuck in place and given several coats of protective varnish for a really professional finish.

This letter rack, once plain varnished wood, was simply sanded and sprayed with a water-based paint before being decorated. Family portraits and used postage stamps are an appropriate choice for the piece, which holds stationery, stamps and an address book. They were stuck in place with diluted PVA glue.

Before varnishing, it is advisable to brush over the paper decorations with a coat of diluted PVA. This seals them and prevents the varnish from soaking into the paper and discoloring the images.

Letter Rack - Photography Craft Reviewed by Unknown on 3/02/2020 Rating: 5

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